I quit all my hobbies
I quit all my hobbies

i quit all my hobbies i quit all my hobbies

“ I like learning new skills and recently I have been interested in exploring different languages as they help me explore new cultures around the world.I have been associated with a few non-profit organisations since my college days and I like spending my weekends helping these NGOs for different activities from teaching to organising interesting games and activities to make learning fun for kids.” “ I like participating in volunteer activities especially teaching underprivileged kids.Every year I look forward to exploring new places and catching up on some lifetime memories.” But solo travelling gives me the bliss that I crave for. I also love to travel and I often plan trips with my family. “ I have a pet dog named Cookie and spending time with him is one of my favourite things to do.My zeal for writing gets its flair from my passion for reading books.” Being a voracious reader, I believe that I have a strong vocabulary and knowledge of grammar. I like reading new and trending novels and my favourite genres include suspense, horror and thriller novels.

i quit all my hobbies

I usually spend my leisure time reading books or playing badminton.Having a gym in the workplace is a great idea as employees can get to know each other better on a casual level apart from their designated roles.“ While researching the company, I got to know about the in-house gym. “ My hobbies are reading books and working out.Here are the best ‘what are your hobbies’ example answers: Related Read: Introduction in Interview What are your Hobbies Example Answers Playing music like guitar, violin, piano, etc.Listening to a particular music genre like Rock, Pop, Indie, etc.Making your own DIY: Crafts, calligraphy, etc.Any sport like Cricket, Football, Basketball, etc.To help you with your answer of what are your hobbies, below we have mentioned some common hobbies and interests that you can involve in your answer.


  • How to Answer What are your Hobbies if you Don’t Have Any Hobbies?.
  • Interview Preparation Tips for Questions Related to Hobbies/Interests.

  • I quit all my hobbies